The fitness keys

I presente for you some very useful advices everyone can do it. I called them fitness keys so let's started:

Fitness key number 1: drink water when you feel hungry between meals, it would prevent indulge in devouring the food adds to the body of unnecessary calories.

Fitness key number 2: don't neglect breakfast, they make a person less starvation in the following meals: start eating green authorities at the beginning of lunch and dinner, it fills the stomach and speeds up satiety and reduces the amount of food intake.

Fitness key number 3: start eating green authorities at the beginning of lunch and dinner, it fills the stomach and speeds up satiety and reduces the amount of food intake.

Fitness key number 4: replace full-fat milk and milk productsOther low fat, give less calories.

Fitness key number 5: stop eating once the feeling of satiety.

Fitness key number 6: replace white bread rapid absorption by slow absorption. Brown bread

Fitness key number 7: non-use of sugar in sweetening beverages, such as coffee, tea and chocolate, or use other alternatives to desert.

 Fitness key number 8: Beware of soft drinks that contain high amount of sugar per package including food, where there is the equivalent of of 10 teaspoons of sugar that gives the excess calories.

Fitness key number 9: adoption of the full food as much as possible, and stay away from refined foods (refinery) which lacks a lot of nutrients as a result of the emergency and non-emergency transactions that hit

Fitness key number 10: abandonment of fried foods for boiled, or grilled foods.

Fitness key number 11: use of spices to make the food on behalf of sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.)

Fitness key number 12: stay away from canned foods or ready.

Fitness key number  13: not devour the food in front of your television, this behavior often leads to ingestion of larger amounts of food without awareness.

Fitness key number 14: Chew food well before swallowing, rash on eating and drinking leads to devour more food for the brain satiety center needs some time to be informed of communications required by digestive

Fitness key number 15: Beware of alshorbaa for some hearty material contains (butter, cream, oil), does not help in successful weight reduction program.

 Fitness key number 16: eating chicken without skin, because the latter contains a lot of fat.

Fitness key number 17: do not exaggerate in salt spray on the food, increased salt consumption contributes to fluid retention in the body and thus to gain weight.

Fitness key number 18: when you feel hungry between meals can chewing celery or drink green tea, help burn calories. 19: request for healthy foods in restaurants.

Fitness key number 19: request for healthy foods in restaurants.

Fitness key number 20: do not fill the kitchen cabinets. Especially nuts, candies, biscuits, chocolate ...Etc, to temptations and potential deal between meals.

Fitness key number 21: do domestic work that the owner is thinking about eating, and thus have an incentive to lose weight.

Fitness key number 22: replace meat with fish because it contains less calories.

Fitness key number 23: preference for eating fruit instead of juice, because it is the richest in vitamins and the poorest

Fitness key number 24 calories: shop smart food needs without exaggerations, and preferably typed list procurement, To avoid buying food than needed.

Fitness key number 25: go-to-market and stomach filled, this reduces yield to temptation and inclination (nkorshat).

Fitness key number  26: don't rush in reducing weight, because this method will retrieve the lost kilograms as fast as lightning.

Fitness key number 27: walk daily for a minimum of half an hour, as it helps in weight and raise the morale of the person to attend a program altkhsisi.: Use the stairs instead of the elevator is allowed so spake, that designates the number of burned calories.

Fitness key number 28: using the stairs instead of the elevator is allowed so spake, that designates the number of calories burned

Fitness key number 29: non-use of the vehicle for short distances.

Fitness key number 30: dispense with the remote control in TV or change firing stations. and finally: saying ((not)) where necessary and otherwise on the diet


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